Founded in 2005, Troop 850 continues to provide a robust Scouting experience to the Montgomery community. Troop 850 is an active Scout-led group of boys comprising of 6th graders to Junior/Seniors in High School. Our program provides a mix of skill & leadership development, outdoor activities (such as camping, hiking, biking etc, typically one a month ), community service projects, and fun for the Scouts. The Troop’s chartering organization is the Harlingen Church in Belle Mead. For the chartering year of 2024, the Troop has 40 Scouts.
Every Monday 7:00 - 8:30 PM On All School Days
Montgomery Lower Middle School
373 Burnt Hill Rd
Skillman NJ 08558
New Scout Information
Interesting in joining? For new Scouts, there is an equipment fee of $50 dollars. Dues for all Scouts in 2023 was $190 dollars.
Write to or walk-in at one of our meetings for more details.
Ready to Join? Apply online